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Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope Partners The Center for Moral Clarity Chrisitian Education City Harvest Network World Harvest Church Give Today!
Emergency Respose to West Virginia Federal Disaster
Relief from West Virginia Flooding

Massive storms in 44 West Virginia counties have claimed the lives of at least 24 people.

Crews are still searching for missing residents after torrential rains flooded numerous towns. Thousands are without power.

The storms have left chaos and destruction in their wake, destroying bridges, homes, foundations, roads – even several portions of the highway have been washed away.

We MUST act immediately! Please, partner, reach out with the compassion of Christ and make a contribution today to Bridge of Hope. Your generosity will help us deliver and distribute emergency relief, including food, water and cleaning supplies ... and continue to help these desperate men, women and children as the waters subside across the state ... while I preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast.

Proverbs 28:27 reminds us: “He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.”

Please don’t wait. Respond TODAY. West Virginia needs us – needs you!

Yes Pastor Parsley

I want to give to Bridge of Hope to reach out with the compassion of Christ and provide for those in West Virginal whose lives have been devastated by the flooding.

Today's Amount: $ (US Dollars to be charged today)
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