Rod Parsley

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What If There Were No Holy Spirit

Dr. Parsley reminds us that if the Holy Spirit was necessary at creation, He is just as important now. In wide, masterful brushstrokes he paints a vivid portrait of a world without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit which manifested dramatically in the early 1900s with signs and wonders following. Awaken to the reality of the Spirit of God that dwells within you today!

Power from Above

The experience of Pentecost is available today. If you have been born again, you can experience the infilling of the Spirit of God called the baptism in the Holy Ghost. God will fill you to overflowing with the power and presence of His Spirit.

The Mysteries of the Pentecost Power

God has seven truly amazing outpourings of the power of Pentecost prepared just for you: the promise of His presence, protection, power, provision, perfection, permanence, and peace! You can literally activate these blessings, as you activate your faith in Jehovah Joshua Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit.

Fire & Light

It was during Pentecost in a house in downtown Jerusalem when the fire of the Holy Spirit first fell and made us new, the Gospel was proclaimed, and thousands received liberty through the Lord Jesus Christ. Today that same transforming fire is burning brighter than ever in hearts and spirits around the world.

Faith FULL series (disc set)

God’s word is a lifeline, that builds your faith so that you can live by faith. Faith in God will move your mighty mountain. It’s time for you to become full of faith and be Faith Full!
$150.00 $20.00

Blessings of Obedience (2024 Calendar)

This is an incredible calendar featuring Jewish and Christian feast holidays. You will see gorgeous depictions of the Holy Land, enjoy inspirational scriptures on the blessings of obedience, and have plenty of space to write down appointments and reminders. This 16-month calendar began in September 2023 (Jewish year 5784) and continues until the end of 2024.
$10.00 $5.00

Countdown to Eternity

Ready to Reign, The Last Letter, and The Man - The Mark Three have just been combined to present you with the entire timeline of Bible prophecy to show you what events like the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming, the Battle of Armageddon and others mean — and why they’re important to us today. And so much more!
$210.00 $50.00

Time to Live Again (scripture cards box)

A beautiful wooden case holding inspirational scriptures that you can use as a daily faith infusion. Pray, meditate, memorize, and share the Word of God. The box set contains 51 cards.

The Man, The Mark (disc set)

The Bible’s 13th chapter of its last letter to believers is a chilling forecast of coming events for those outside Christ. In each message, Pastor Parsley takes you further on a journey that reveals the startling, distinct contrast between the Man Jesus Christ, and the man the Antichrist.

Return of the King

You have been invited to a party, but it’s not like anything you have attended before. This is a party hosted by the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He wants you to be there. It will last for a thousand years, and after that, who can tell what kinds of special things He has in mind for those who are in attendance?

Fear Not, Why Not

Pastor Parsley's teaching on CD and DVD helps you step into the life of faith that perfectly casts out fear and allows you to live in victory day by day. You'll overcome fear for yourself, your finances, and your family ... Learn to live FEAR-FREE!

The Final Demise of Fear

Fear has failed spectacularly. Love has triumphed gloriously. Jesus is calling all of us to demonstrate His victory over fear by living and walking in the freedom that rightfully belongs to all the sons and daughters of God.

Treasury Of Pentecost (book series)

The Treasury of Pentecost: Truth that Turned the World Upside Down — a multi-volume set of powerful books Pastor Parsley has found to be foundational to the Pentecost power experience.

The Mystery of Two (disc set)

Dr. Rod Parsley sheds the light of Bible truth on an extraordinary, once-in-a-century portal of opportunity, 2/22/22! God put this day on His celestial calendar before the foundations of the earth with YOU in mind.

Reflections on Pentecost DVD

In this revealing interview, Dr. Parsley talks about his spiritual lineage, sharing touchstone moments and relationships that took him from a Free Will Baptist teenager to a Holy Ghost-filled pastor. For nearly five decades he has been proclaiming the power of Pentecost and fanning the flames of revival through his many ministry outreaches including City Harvest Network of churches around the world.

Everyday Matters (devotional)

Life can be stressful. In Everyday Matters, Dr. Rod and Joni Parsley share some of the life lessons they have learned from marriage, family, and ministry to help you find God in the everyday pressures that we all face. You’ll be encouraged and uplifted as you learn to make the most of each day with daily entries from Dr. Rod Parsley and a special weekly “A Day with Joni” from Joni Parsley.

Meet Me at the Altar (book)

What if the Third Great Awakening was only a prayer away? Not for a moment. Not for a season. What if we travail … until heaven moves? Be a part of this immensely important global prayer movement of 100,000 "Meet Me at the Altar" Intercession for Awakening Prayer Warriors. Joining is simple — and free.

Unlocking the Covenant Power of 7 (disc set)

Is there something in your life that needs to be finished, completed, fulfilled, or perfected? Seven is the biblical number of completion and perfection, and when it’s repeated over and over again in Scripture, it’s to get your attention! Discover the importance in your life today through four riveting messages from Dr. Rod Parsley.

7 Blessings of Covenant Agreement

Join Dr. Rod Parsley as he makes plain that our God has a plan for YOU. His covenant agreement cannot be altered or amended; it is established to bless you and show you no harm! Discover within the pages of this book the seven specific, undeniable, blessings reserved for YOU as a child of God in Covenant Agreement with Him.

Idolatry in America (Book; 2024) - Signed Author Edition

THERE'S A DEADLY TRUTH BEHIND OUR NATION'S FAMINE. Now available! Grab your copy today!
$20.00 $15.00

Revival If... (Book; 2022) - Signed Author Edition

Revival If... - Igniting Your Passion for Personal Renewal and National Revival - brand new from Dr. Rod Parsley. 272 pages. Soft-back. Could it be that God is giving us one last opportunity to allow His Spirit to be poured out upon the earth before the return of Jesus? This book will stir you to fan the flames of revival in your own heart so you can partner with the Holy Spirit and fellow believers to see a sweeping move of God transform America and the world.

New Every Morning – (FLIP BOOK)

God’s love never fails. His compassions are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). The New Every Morning devotional flipbook provides a daily outpouring of empowerment on every page. These words will speak to your specific situation daily, and also provides inspirational Bible verses that will encourage you while challenging your faith and empowering your walk with the Lord.

Seven Points of Power (3 DVD set)

The Feast of Pentecost is the second of God’s commanded feast seasons – a joyous celebration which includes a release of blessings that are only available this one time every year. Through Dr. Rod Parsley’s thorough and prayerful study of Pentecost, he has discovered seven points of power displayed through the seven candlesticks of the Jewish menorah – and now revealed in this inspiring three-part illustrated teaching.

Take This Cup (CD/DVD series)

God’s commanded feast of Passover is a celebration of that night so long ago when the death angel passed over every home in Egypt. The blood of a spotless lamb had been applied to the doorposts and God delivered His people from bondage. In this in-depth teaching about the four cups of wine that are a traditional part of the Passover meal, Dr. Rod Parsley reveals the prophetic mystery they represent – and the key to receiving the four promises of Passover.

Free at Last (book)

In this book, Pastor Rod Parsley draws extensively on Scripture to help you identify the devil and his tactics for destruction. He outlines four simple steps you can take to defeat the enemy of your soul. These steps will help you conquer and remain free from the devil’s chains.

7 Prayers of Agreement for Your Peace

In his Holy Spirit-inspired, yoke-destroying book, 7 Prayers of Agreement for Your Peace, Pastor Rod Parsley shares years of revelation regarding 7 key areas of life in which YOU are a vital influence!

The Seven Keys to Your Perfect Harvest (book)

Discover the seven biblical keys that are destined to revolutionize how you look at sowing and reaping and usher you into God’s economy. There is more than enough to meet your every need.

The Power of Pentecost (10-disc DVD series)

Drawn from his 40 years of Pentecostal ministry, Dr. Rod Parsley has compiled ten messages on the power of Pentecost. Each preaching and in-depth teaching session will propel you into the power, blessing and overwhelming victory God has just for you.

The Wisdom of God (5 disc DVD series)

Pastor Rod Parsley shares in-depth revelation about the three crucial aspects of the greatest of all treasures… the wisdom of God. In this five-sermon series, you’ll learn how you can be victorious every day through the wisdom of God.
$30.00 $15.00

The Cross (8-disc DVD series)

In this 8-DVD signature collection, Pastor Rod Parsley takes you through the pages of his hallmark work, The Cross: One Man… One Tree… One Friday chapter by chapter, adding even more remarkable revelation he has received since its release. As you make your way up Golgotha’s hill to view that angry, biting beam, you will gaze with horrified wonder at the raw ferocity of God’s great love on open display.