Rod Parsley

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The Power of Pentecost (10-disc DVD series)

Drawn from his 40 years of Pentecostal ministry, Dr. Rod Parsley has compiled ten messages on the power of Pentecost. Each preaching and in-depth teaching session will propel you into the power, blessing and overwhelming victory God has just for you.

The Wisdom of God (5 disc DVD series)

Pastor Rod Parsley shares in-depth revelation about the three crucial aspects of the greatest of all treasures… the wisdom of God. In this five-sermon series, you’ll learn how you can be victorious every day through the wisdom of God.

The Cross (8-disc DVD series)

In this 8-DVD signature collection, Pastor Rod Parsley takes you through the pages of his hallmark work, The Cross: One Man… One Tree… One Friday chapter by chapter, adding even more remarkable revelation he has received since its release. As you make your way up Golgotha’s hill to view that angry, biting beam, you will gaze with horrified wonder at the raw ferocity of God’s great love on open display.

2020 Decade of Dominion (booklet)

Let this resource build your faith to walk in victory every day of the year. The 2020: Decade of Dominion will give you 20 Decrees: Scriptures focused on dominion, authority, healing, and victory … plus 20 Declarations: dominion prayers to strengthen your faith!

DCM 35 Pentecost Collection

This official Dominion Camp Meeting 35 Pentecost bundle is a mini-library complete with four books and two audio/video series where you will learn of key moments in Pentecostal history, a 3-part book collection authored by historic men of faith, an interview with our very own Dr. Rod Parsley, and a message series proposing the question "What if there were no Holy Spirit?"

Faith Full Bundle

God’s word is a lifeline, that builds your faith so that you can live by faith. Faith in God will move your mighty mountain. It’s time for you to become full of faith and be Faith Full! The bundle includes the Faith Full T-shirt.

God Is For You Bundle

God is For You This two-message, four-disc teaching set will help you walk into 2020 with new light — and new hope! Messages include: "Take It at Face Value" and "God's Plan For You is Good". The bundle includes an inspirational flipbook to inspire your faith.

Be Made Whole Vol. 1 and 2

After being diagnosed with cancer in 2015, Pastor Rod Parsley needed a touch from the Lord -- and stood on His Word. Twice a day, for two hours each time, Pastor Parsley would pray and seek God for His miracle and for YOU, confessing the scriptures and seeking the Lord's healing touch for His people. And now, he's 100% CANCER FREE! The scriptures and confessions He made every day have been recorded at the leading of the Holy Spirit in this volume.
$80.00 $30.00

Covenant Bundle

The Covenant bundle includes 7 Blessings of Covenant Agreement (book) and Unlocking the Covenant Power of 7 (disc series).

End Times Bundle

We are living in perilous times. Have you ever wondered why the last book of the Bible reads like the front pages of our newspapers? In this End Times Bundle, we see how the stage is being set for the return of Christ and the final battle where good finally triumphs over evil. The bundle includes Gog of Magog (disc set), Countdown to Eternity (disc set) and Return of the King (book).
$120.00 $60.00

Grace (Book)

How can we lead godly lives and also avoid turning moral absolutes into a legalistic system for salvation? Uncover the tension surrounding conversations about grace so that you can Gain biblical foundation of God's true intention for law and grace & Live more powerfully by avoiding destructive extremes!
$20.00 $10.00

The Hope Devotional (book)

The brand-new Hope Devotional Bible is a wonderful resource! It includes the entire books of Psalms and Proverbs — Proverbs in the morning to give you wisdom for the day, and Psalms in the evening to give you peace and rest — PLUS Pastor Parsley’s daily devotionals to keep your hope strong in the new year. (Scripture is written in The Passion Translation.)

No Weapon Handbook

As you read this No Weapon Handbook, I want you to know that we are standing on God's Word for you and your children and your entire family because we have His promise that ... "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord (Isaiah 54:17)."

War of Words (Book)

Wisdom has a beginning, but it has no end. Pastor Rod Parsley shares in-depth revelation about the three crucial aspects of the greatest of all treasures, and how to be wise as serpents and turn the table on trouble by using the enemy’s own tactics against him. “To survive, we have to be strong. To win, we have to be wise.”- Pastor Rod Parsley

Demonology: End Evil/Live Free (CD/DVD series)

The Scriptures warn that “your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” - (1 Peter 5:8). But he can be defeated — if you’re willing to stand up and fight! Freedom is never granted voluntarily by the oppressor … it must be taken by force. You’ve prayed long enough, believed long enough, confessed long enough. Now it’s time to tell the devil you’ve come to take back everything he has stolen!
$30.00 $20.00

Revival If... Study Guide

This Study Guide is an essential companion to Dr. Parsley’s landmark book, Revival If…. The study guide will help you absorb and retain salient facts revealed in the book and to spur you into righteous action in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14. We are called to humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God, and repent. The spark of revival begins with those basic elements. The study guide will help you sift through the deep layers that God revealed to Dr. Parsley and will transform the way you think about God’s heart for how His church will influence our wayward culture.

Revival If... Devotional

This ten-day devotional, based upon Dr. Rod Parsley’s landmark book, Revival If, gives you a chance to re-examine your heart and fine-tune your faith in preparation for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this end-time harvest. Each day contains scriptures and encouragement from Dr. Parsley and pages for you to reflect on revival and your role in participating in the harvest.

Demonology: End Evil. Live Free. (eBook Download Only)

The devil has targeted the church and the world with an all-out assault. He has attacked our joy, finances, health, and stolen whatever he can get his hands on. But our ancient adversary can be overcome.
$15.00 $10.00

It's Time to Dream Again (book)

Many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord have suffered with the economic downturn, physical problems, and broken relationships ... but Dr. Parsley brings a message: That season is ending — and now is the season for dreams! Learn the 5 Blessings we are believing God to pour out on your life: Your Double Portion, A Financial Breakthrough, Restoration, Miracles, and Deliverance!

Receiving God's Direction for Difficult Days (book)

When God speaks to you, write down what He says. You may think that God speaking is too impactful to ever forget, but as a wise man once said, the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory.

Prophetic Dreams and Visions (CD/DVD Set)

Experience God's wisdom and direction - and His vision for you! - in these prophetic days. Open your heart to receive today and learn to recognize Him when He calls to you with Prophetic Dreams and Visions.

Blessings of Atonement

The Tabernacle season's centerpiece on God’s divine celestial calendar. The great Day of Atonement! The promises are ours when we come to God's commanded feast with our offering! Your miracle is ready, but your obedience is the first step! In addition to being the most important holy day, many Bible scholars believe the season of Atonement is also the season of the Lord's return! Even if He does not return during Atonement 2022, you can still be prepared to receive the seven supernatural blessings of Atonement.

The Finale (book)

Unlock the mystery of the return and reign of Jesus Christ and understand what He promised about the events surrounding the rapture. The Finale is a road map for living victoriously and fruitfully in the volatile days leading up to our glorious departure from earth. It is a guide for experiencing peace in the midst of our raging cultural storms. For the blood-bought, set-apart church of Jesus Christ, this can and should be our finest hour.

Look Again (book)

Don’t be blown away by the winds of life—stand firm in the face of the storm. We must not be numbered among those who draw back from fear, but among those who move forward to possess our promise, even when the battle rages. In this new book, “Look Again!”, Pastor Rod Parsley shares concepts that will help you have quiet confidence at a time when other men’s hearts are failing them for fear.

He Always Said Yes (CD/DVD Disc Set)

In this life-transforming message, Dr. Rod Parsley shares that the same God that works miracles through Peter's shadow, Paul's handkerchiefs or aprons, and the hem of Jesus' garment, is still saying "yes" today -- He's never said no! "The Question is, will you say yes to Him" -Dr. Rod Parsley
$50.00 $25.00

God's Greatest Gift (message series)

The Joyous celebration began with a birth inside a lowly manger – The promise of heaven, God’s forever gift to man. The reality of “God’s Greatest Gift” can be your gift today from Dr.Rod Parsley.
$20.00 $10.00

It's Already There (book)

What are you waiting for? It could be the salvation of a loved one. It could be deliverance from an intolerable situation. It could be healing, or a financial breakthrough. It could be anything you desire from God. Pastor Parsley has good news for you: you don’t have to wait anymore, because the provision for your need is already there. God has already provided it! Pastor Parsley will how you how your obedience to His Word will bring you overwhelming victory in every area of your life.

7 Anointings of the Atonement (book)

Seven feasts, three seasons, and one day—that is the thumbnail sketch of the feasts of God listed in the Bible. There are three groupings of feasts in God’s celestial calendar involving seven separate feasts. But none of them are as significant as the one day that was regarded as more important than any other in ancient Israel—the Day of Atonement.

ONE: The Principles of FirstFruits (book)

If you want to be first on God’s list, put Him first on your list. It’s God’s principle of firstfruits, or as Dr. Rod Parsley calls it, the law of one. It resounds through the word of God and reverberates throughout our lives. And it can become a game changer for your life once you discover the keys to releasing its power and provision.

First of All (book)

God is a God of order, timing, seasons, and cycles. Making Him your number one priorigty – putting Him first of all – is paramount to your success in every area of your life. Jesus announced this destiny-altering principle in Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” What things? All things: peace, prosperity, restoration, health, provision, and joy. This one foundational pillar of God’s economy governs everything else. Dr. Rod Parsley takes us back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden to reveal why god is First of All – and the limitless potential of His Law of Firstfruits.