In Pastor Parsley's message series "God's Got You Covered" learn to implement 20 keys for God’s protection. You and I are in the final moments of spiritual history. This is the perilous, troubled time foretold in Scripture: “Know this: In the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). But while the world is crumbling in moral and financial chaos, you do not need to be troubled. For now, you have hope beyond the troubled times of humanity.
This 52 week devotional, based upon Dr. Rod Parsley’s landmark book, Revival If, gives you a chance to re-examine your heart and fine-tune your faith in preparation for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this end-time harvest. Each day contains scriptures and encouragement from Dr. Parsley and pages for you to reflect on revival and your role in participating in the harvest!
It’s raining freedom, healing, restoration, and more in this season of Revival. Join this Revival and powerful moving of the Holy Spirit that can touch you right where you are!
You have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! No turning back! This is an essential reference tool for you to learn what it means to be called a Christian, connect to a local body of believers, and discover your purpose in the Kingdom of God. Order this FREE booklet, New Direction, to celebrate the choice you'll be glad you made when you stand before God.
Learn to walk in the living blessings of Psalm 23 every day! Pastor Parsley’s brand-new teaching series will help you step into a moment-by-moment experience of all the promises of Psalm 23 — protection, provision, peace, and so much more can be yours as the 23rd Psalm comes alive in your life!
Psalm 23 Bundle includes : I Shall Not Want (Book) A practical guide to receiving the promises of Psalm 23 Psalm 23 (message series) The 4-message, 8-disc teaching series on CD and DVD. Learn to walk in the living blessings of Psalm 23 every day! Psalm 23 Throw Blanket Wrap yourself in one of the most comforting Scriptures in the Bible!
This eternity-altering sermon explains the who, what, where, why and, yes, WHEN of the Lord’s return — and it contains a powerful presentation of the Gospel message, which I’ll be praying brings your loved ones to Christ!
God’s commanded feast of Passover is a celebration of that night so long ago when the death angel passed over every home in Egypt. The blood of a spotless lamb had been applied to the doorposts and God delivered His people from bondage. This CD/DVD message is an in-depth teaching about the four cups of wine that are a traditional part of the Passover meal, Dr. Rod Parsley reveals the prophetic mystery they represent – and the key to receiving the four promises of Passover. In his book, Take This Cup, Pastor Parsley reveals certain principles that simply cannot be overlooked. Holy Communion stands as a monument to every adversary, to every sickness, to every force of the enemy… a reminder that you are covered in the blood of the Lamb every moment of every day.
Be inspired by the Scriptures throughout the new year with a weekly God is For You flipchart for your desk or countertop, filled with encouraging teaching from Pastor Parsley.
Abram stopped halfway to his miracle and almost missed the blessing of God. David, the Warrior King, was down for the count... but, God saved His chosen people! The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. He will never give up on you. Don't give up on Him! Allow the anointed preaching of Dr. Rod Parsley to strengthen your faith in these last days. Steel your resolve by devouring today these two audio messages of perseverance - just for you! The messages include: "I Gotta Get Out of Haran" and "The Comeback King."
Pastor Parsley shows you why this is the time for you to live again — how God intends to double your blessings and joy this year — how to move into the future boldly, and with power — and more! Message titles include: • Revolutionary Faith • Your Father Has a Plan • We Are Revenant
Bible scholars agree the Feast of Tabernacles will be the season of Christ’s return! All the commanded feasts of the Old Testament were fulfilled in the New Testament except this one … Will Jesus return at the Feast of Tabernacles? Pastor Parsley shows you why this could happen — and how even if this is not the year of the Lord’s return … you can still place yourself in a position to receive amazing blessings!
These powerful messages will prepare your heart for an amazing year of restoration, release, freedom, joy and abundance! Discover how God wants to restore your family, your finances and your future - and get the biblical truth about how God can cancel the enemy's plans against you! Messages include: Releasing Fearless Faith and Your Year of Restoration and Release in both CD and DVD.
In this powerful two-message set God’s Ultimate Rewards Program! Holy Spirit-inspired messages that can bring the unprecedented blessing of God into your life! Learn how to step through the open door to God’s perfection and completion! Dare to believe, in faith, that the prophetic reward you seek is about to be manifested for His glory!
You need not be surprised by the violence and chaos unfolding on your TV screen. The Bible has foretold the wars and battles taking place in diverse places ... political upheaval around the world ... and even America’s precipitous and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. In this bundle you'll find... The Battle of Gog of Magog!, The Last Letter: The Revelation of Jesus Christ and The Finale.
If you are a Blood-bought, born-again child of the living God, you've got something to celebrate. This world is not your home. We were not meant to stay. So, celebrate the end of the age! In this two-part message series, learn about the new year on God's calendar: Rosh Hashanah. On this day, the trumpets of urgency, expectancy, and Holy Ghost festivity begins! Next, we shift our attention to the Great Day of Atonement, the somber day of deep repentance where the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for all of God's people. But the good gospel news is that revival always sparks through repentance!
Explore societal challenges and embrace spiritual renewal in this dynamic two-book bundle. Introducing the Cultural Awakening Bundle! Featuring two powerful works by best-selling author and international speaker, Dr. Rod Parsley. In this exclusive bundle, you'll receive both "Revival If..." and "Culturally Incorrect", each offering unique insights and guidance for personal and societal transformation.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to share the good, good news of the Gospel. Dr. Rod Parsley, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, breaks the Gospel message into five relatable components that make it easy to share with people of any age and from any walk of life. He also provides an introduction to its three covenants as well as practical tips for sharing the Gospel with the children in your life. "The power of the Gospel is its simplicity and the simplicity of the Gospel is its power." - Dr. Rod Parsley
Unlock the Finale and Gone book bundle—two powerful reads, one divine message. These 2 books are parts 2 and 3 of Pastor Parsley's 'The Cross' three-part series. This book combo focuses on the Resurrection and the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ, offering timeless truths that bring about positive change in the lives and hearts of every generation—crucial teachings for these End Times.